Obtaining a Japanese Driver’s License: Expat Essentials

Do I need a driver’s license in Japan?

Let’s start with a cautionary tale. Having a driver’s license is an absolute must if you plan to drive in Japan. While we know that driving without a license is often overlooked in many countries, we also know of several cases where people coming from such countries to Japan innocently drive without a license. This led to their arrest on the street, facing legal proceedings, losing their visas, and being forcibly deported. These individuals were ordinary citizens with no ill intent, yet they found themselves entangled in the criminal justice system in Japan. Moreover, deportion results in a ban from entering Japan for several years. Avoiding this major and unfortunate situation is crucial. Driving without a license is a serious matter in Japan, so we want you to be aware of this fact and learn how to obtain a valid license through the information on this page.

Do I need a car in Japan?

The need for a car in Japan largely depends on your residential area. Living in a metropolitan city such as Tokyo or Osaka? In that case, we recommend not having a car unless you have a baby in your family. The transportation system in these areas is incredibly efficient, and personal mobility is unnecessary. These cities boast a transportation infrastructure unlike any other.

For major cities like Fukuoka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Nagoya, Yokohama, Sendai, or Sapporo, managing without a car is entirely possible. However, if you enjoy occasional travel to the outskirts, having a car will undoubtedly be beneficial.

If you reside in other areas, getting a car is advisable. While it’s possible to live without one, you may encounter difficulties and miss out on exploring beautiful spots in the region.

Valid Driver’s License in Japan

If you possess an International Driver’s License based on the Geneva Convention, it remeains valid for one year from the date of issue, and you cannot rene it. Alternatively, if you have a driver’s license from Taiwan, France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, or Monaco*, you can use it in Japan for one year by attaching a translation document provided by the issuer country’s embassy, consulate, or the Japan Automobile Federation (JAF).

*Previously, Estonian driver’s licenses were valid in Japan, but after Estonia’s accession to the Geneva Convention, they are no longer valid in Japan. Please be mindful of this outdated information.

For those without a driver’s license from other country, you need to obtain a Japanese Driver’s License. If you plan to stay in Japan for over one year, getting a Japanese Driver’s License is mandatory. We recommend having an International driver’s license for your transition period, and then obtaining a Japanese Driver’s License within the first year of your stay. Obtaining Japanese license is not difficult for individuals with proper driving skills, as explained later.

Types of Valid Driver's License in Japan
  • Driver’s license issued in Japan
  • International driver’s license
  • Foreign Driver’s license with its translation (only for Taiwan, France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, or Monaco)

Obtaining a Japanese Driver’s License (Regular Process)

Foreigners can also obtain a Japanese driver’s license through the same process as Japanese citizens. This process is necessary for those without a driver’s license.

To obtain a Japanese driver’s license, you need to take two tests at the Driver’s License Center: ① the knowledge test on traffic laws and ② the driving skill test. If you are a complete beginner in driving, passing these tests through this process can be challenging. Therefore, most beginners attend a driving school for lectures on traffic laws and driving practice before taking those tests. After graduating from the driving school, they can take the ① knowledge test to get their license. Graduates are exempted from the ② driving skill test.

Driving schools offer flexible class schedules and can be completed in a few months. Some even offer intensive courses for graduation within two weeks (Driving camp, or “gassyuku-menkyo” [合宿免許]). There are driving schools and license centers with foreign languages. In every prefecture, at least one License Center offers English support.

Obtaining a Japanese Driver’s License (For Those with a Foreign License)

For those with a valid foreign driver’s license, obtaining a Japanese driver’s license is easier. The challenging ① knowledge test and ② driving skill test are waived, and simple ①’ knowledge confirmation and ②’ driving skill confirmation take their place.

Visit the Driver’s License Center in your area of residence and take the ①’ knowledge and ②’ skill confirmations. The skill confirmation involves actual driving, and many centers require reservations.

General requirements for obtaining a Japanese driver’s license are as follows, though they may vary depending on each license center. Requirements may also vary based on the country that issued your license. Contact the center in advance to confirm necessary documents before visiting.

  • Valid foreign driver’s license
  • Japanese translation of the driver’s license (provided by the embassy of the issuing country or JAF)
  • Residence card (even those staying less than three months can obtain a license, e.g., in Chiba, a visa-affixed passport can be used.)
  • One photo of yourself
  • For those without Japanese communication skill, an interpreter is necessary at most centers.

Additionally, if you have an Indiana state in the U.S. driver’s license you areexempt from the ②’ driving skill confirmation and only need to pass the ①’ knowledge confirmation. If you have a driver’s license from any of the following countries, you are deemed to have sufficient knowledge and skills, and you are even be exempt from the ①’ knowledge confirmation. In such cases, you can directly convert your existing license into a Japanese one.

  • Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Netherlands, the U.K., and the U.S. (Hawaii, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, and Washington States residents only)

Renewing Driver’s License

Japanese driver’s licenses are valid for 3 to 5 years based on your driving history, with the expiration date indicated on the license. To renew, visit the Driver’s License Center or police station in your prefecture from one month before the expiration date until the actual date. The process involves a lecture, eyesight exam, photo taking, and renewal fee payment, completed within an hour.

Other Tips

The driver’s license also serves as your ID card. Keep its information updated with your latest details, especially the address after moving. For other moving tips, refer to “Japan Moving Made Easy: A Checklist for Stress-Free Relocation“.

Owning a car in Japan requires adhering to regulations. , including car registration, securing a car park, car testing, mandatory insurance, etc.

In case of a car accident, report to the police by calling 110, even for property damage. Call 119 for an ambulance if anyone is injured. Ambulance is an public service for free. For Japanese Health Care System, refere to “”.

2 thoughts on “Obtaining a Japanese Driver’s License: Expat Essentials

  1. I have an expired US driver’s licensee. Do I have to take the test for a Japanese drivers license in Japanese?

    1. Yes, if your US driver’s license is expired, you’ll need to follow the standard process for obtaining a Japanese driver’s license. Unfortunately, the easier process for those with valid licenses acquired overseas is not applicable in your case. Good luck with the process!

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