Have you gone to movie theaters these days? We watched the movie “RRR” yesterday and it was amazingly entertaining. Part of the reason why we could enjoy it more than always was that it was held in a special screening style called “Screeming-screening,” or “Masala-style.” Generally speaking, Japanese are very quiet when they watch a movie in theaters. They hardly laugh out loud, clap their hands, or yell at screen but sit still and just hold their bubbling emotions inside. The contrast between Japanese audience and overseas audience is striking. However, there is one exceptional occasion that allows the audience to yell, sing or dance as they watch movies in Japan: the Screaming screening (応援上映 : Ouen-jo-ei).
In this article, we would like to explain what kinds of behavior are allowed, how you can attend one, and some tips when participating in one.
What is the Screaming Screening?
Screaming Screening is an unique type of movie experience that originated in Japan. During the screening, the audience is encouraged to participate in the movie by screaming, clapping, singing and dancing, as if they were in music concerts. It is most suitable for movies filled with dance and action scenes such as many South Indian movies, which explains why it is also called a Masala-style screening.
In general, spectators are allowed to do the following actions that would be otherwise prohibited in a normal screening. However, please note that each cinema may have different regulations.
- making noise by voicing out loud, singing, clapping your hands, and ringing bells or tambourines, etc.
- cheering by waving penlights or hand fans
- using crackers and scattering confetti (allowed sometimes)
The audience often expresses their love for the movie by dressing up as movie characters or bringing hand-crafted items related to the film. If you are lucky, some may even share their movie-themed snacks with you. Seeing these handmade goods crafted with love by fans is another fun part of Screaming Screening.
What makes Screaming Screening so special?
Screaming Screening is special because it is the only place where the movie audience is allowed to freely express their emotions by shouting, clapping, and dancing like children. Unlike in some of other countries, such kind of actions, or even just checking your phone during movies in Japanese theaters is prohibited, and people nearby would ask them to stop. This is because majority of the Japanese audience prefers to watch movies quietly, concentrating to absorb every single detail. Thus, Screaming Screening is quite an exceptional opportunity to share excitement with other audience, which feels like a festival.
This special screening style was first held after the release of “Muthu,” the first well-known Indian movie in Japan in 1998. This movie fueled its viewers with its songs and dances, and one of the fans started the Masala-screening to enjoy the movie by allowing the audience to explode emotions in theater. The film’s success was said to have a “major impact on Japanese culture, including the increase of Japanese tourists in India and South Indian restaurants in Japan” (translation of wikipedia), however, the invention of Screaming Screening was also a result of these impacts.
What was it like to attend the Screaming Screening for RRR?
Before heading to the cinema, we made the protagonists’ face cut-outs to celebrate the RRR masala-screening. We printed the faces and attached them with a clear folder and medical masks with a stapler.

When we reached the theater a bit late, a guy on the stage was giving an explanation before screening on viewing rules, and then he initiated practice for us to shout out loud without hesitation. On the side of the hall, there were tambourines in huge baskets that audience can use. Turning eyes to the audience, we saw many viewers were bringing items to make noise such as silver trays and drum sticks (you know what it means if you watch RRR). We also saw people having a fake moustache on face or wearing saris, kurutas(?) and belts, or the police uniform in red.
When the film finally started, people yelled in excitement. Overall, the cheers were not as intense as in other countries, and the people’s reactions were more focused on the non-vocal side, such as hitting percussions and swinging lights. To our surprise, despite the lack of subtitles, a considerable number of audience actually sang the “Naatu Naatu” song in the original language, Tergu. Another unique event we enjoyed was funny comments being shouted at characters as if they were talking to them. For example, when NTR was hesitant to speak to Jenny, someone yelled “Be confident, handsome boy!” and others joined in laughter. There was many such indirect interaction among the audience.
Hand made items crafted by atendees
Here are some creations of other spectators.
How to get a ticket for Screaming Screening
The pricing for Screaming Screening ticket is the same as usual ticket. However, the events are only held for limited number of times, thus it is important to keep an eye out for the announcement of Screaming Screening for the movie of your liking. If you want to watch a blockbuster like RRR in a big city, your chance of getting a ticket will be high because there will be a lot of numbers of such special screenings. Otherwise, however, such special screening will likely be held for only once or none. That’s why we recommend paying attention to the annoucements from cinemas. One convenient way to be alert is to follow the twitter account @V8Japan. They continuously broadcast imformation on Screaming Screening throughout Japan. They mostly tweet in Japanese, but you would still be able to catch info of your favorite movie from the hushtags in the tweet and by utilising auto-translation service.
Reserving a seat is a must, and we recommend to do so ASAP. Firstly, the masala tickets for a popular title would be sold out in a few days after the release date. Secondly, having a good seat ensures that the surrounding audience is the most enthusiastic. Their participation, lovely costumes and crafted items make the entire experience more enjoyable.
Lastly, there’s one crucial tip for RRR viewers: During the film, don’t think, just enjoy. If you ever start to contemplate on the physics in the action sequences or coincidental events in the story, a lot of doubts and contradictions will emerge and the storyline would fall apart. Don’t ruin the joy of the drama by doing that. Pretend that you are a jellyfish and just accept everything you will go through. That’s the way you can enjoy the RRR world the most.
In conclusion, Screaming Screening is a unique opportunity to enjoy energetic movies and creativity of the people who love them. Let’s wrap ourselves in movie costumes, craft movie-themed iconic items, and head to the masala-screening.